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Partecipa all'Evento Annuale 4sustainability!
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ZDHC premia Brachi con il Level 1!
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Dress code: sustainability
On November 27, in Florence, 4sustainability highlights chemical management

On November 27, in Florence, a workshop will take place focused on chemical management, risks and controls. The obvious premise is that saving the planet is a strategic issue now unavoidable. Pressure from consumers and environmental movements led economic actors to move because the alternative is the self-exclusion from markets. The first companies to re-act were the big names of international fashion system, but also the supply chain seems to want now to follow the same way, forced by necessity to know and apply the brands’ guidelines but capable, in some case, to move independently.
Since Process Factory and Brachi founded 4sustainability, one year ago, the most relevant news is just this gradual contagious effect. Resistances are still widespread and many accessions are a merely cosmetic issue. But the groove is traced, also thanks to the committment of realities like our network aimed at giving to mere declarations of intent content and method.
The event Sostenibili si diventa that marked in 2013 the debut of 4sustainability sees now its ideal continuation in the workshop entitled Dress code: sustainability, to be held on the morning of November 27th at Villa Medici Hotel, Florence.
After a brief overview of what has changed in the last few months, we will try to shed light on one of the themes companies are more interested in, namely the management of chemicals and the risks and controls associated with their use.
Dedicated to the brands and the supply chain, the workshop aims to define a real roadmap for chemical management, conceved as a competitive factor able to integrate ethics and profit at best.
The discussione will take into consideration both the product and processes, with a particular focus on the evolution of the current role of chemical companies and to the importance of common objectives and strategies. A series of speeches on the role of ZDHC - Zero Discharge Hazardous Chemicals will provide useful suggestions in this regard too.
For more information, 055.461947 -