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Partecipa all'Evento Annuale 4sustainability!
6 marzo 2019
ZDHC premia Brachi con il Level 1!
10 febbraio 2019
Microplastiche: è il turno di New York
4 dicembre 2014
Cutting edge technology
Brachi Testing Services is enriched with advanced analysis devices

Brachi Testing Services further strengthens its instrumental chemical department acquiring a series of innovative equipment of scientific analysis. This is a major but necessary investment. For Brachi, research and development have always been synonyms for competitiveness, indeed – a guarantee of competence and rapid response offered to customers on an increasing range of tests.
Among the recent purchases of the company we mention announce a new Agilent gaschromatograph with triple quadrupole mass selective detector. A complex autosampler for liquid and gaseous samples allows to perform analysis with the advantageous headspace technique, lowering the detection limits and analysis time of the different groups of chemicals. The possibility to mesure moledules more accurately – the triple quadrupole allows to make a double fragmentation – widens the search to other classes of compounds.
The autosampler in headspace modality, in particular, allows you to search for volatile compounds (VOC) in solid products without extractions and/or derivatizations, but simply through the heating and the sampling of the gaseous part of the container in which the sample is cointained.
The instrumental chemical department of Brachi laboratory was also enriched with a UHPLC-ICPMS system, i.e an inert liquid chromatograph coupled to a system of plasma spectrometer with mass selection.
The device can detect small quantities of metals, in the order of a billionth of gram per kilogram of sample. To be more clear, is how to be able to quantify a drop of metal in an olympic swimming pool.
Made of titanium, the liquid chromatograph allows to perform the so-called speciation (separation and distinction) between trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium and subsequent quantification by ICPMS, according to the strictest standards on items for children (EN71-3:2014). The liquid chromatograph is also coupled to a spectrophotometer detector for the determination of the formaldehyde’s content with chromatographic method according to the latest international standards.