Laboratory Tests
Diversification and specialization
With its top level team and state-of-the-art equipment, Brachi Testing Services can perform almost all the tests required by the market, according to the main national and international standards: UNI, EN, ISO, ASTM, AATCC e CFR, GB, JIS, IUF, ecc.
Its regular participation in interlaboratory circuits guarantees the reliability of all tests performed.
Our catalog of tests, many of which ACCREDIA certified, is one of the most complete on the market.
Our skills range from textiles to the fashion and furnishing sectors to non-woven fabrics, garments, leather, metallic and non-metallic components, leather goods, footwear, chemical auxiliaries and industrial waters, as well as textile toys.
A lab flagship is the long experience in cashmere testing: Brachi Testing Services is one of the few laboratories in the world recognized by the world's leading international cashmere organization.
Download the Test Request Form, fill all its field out and send the form to our lab together with the sample to be analysed.