Archivio news

21 ottobre 2016

My Lab without filters

The Brachi platform of continuous connection between the laboratory and its users is today even more advanced

My Lab, the online laboratory service which costumers can access from using their personal username and password, is now even more advanced. It is a paltform of continuous connection between users and laboratory to share in real time test results and their compliance with the requirements defined by law or by the client, this allowing to manage at best the production processes and relationships with suppliers.

The strengthening of My Lab is based on the concept of partnership. For Brachi, indeed, companies that establish a regular relationship with the lab are not mere customers, but partners in all respects. Such costumers have right at the maximum transparency as possible, which means an advanced service model implying the sharing of all information and of the most sensitive data.

As known, the My Lab service allows you to monitor in real time the progress of your laboratory tests, and to consult the archive of test reports already issued.
The platform upgrade – here’s the main novelty – allows you to “treat” every single datum separately, generating quantitative and qualitative analyzes that constitute an undoubted added value for companies.

«The benefit is evident», explains Giulio Lombardo, sales and marketing director at Brachi. « Through this service, indeed, the laboratory dispenses companies with extrapolating the interesting data to obtain useful information on their own performance. My Lab, in other terms, offers its parners a statistical analysis service, acting in fact as an in-house laboratory».


Brachi Process Innovation:
Project co-financed under the POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020

BTS process innovation - BTS process innovation 2.0 - Brachi innovazione di processo